Scientific Program

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10 December 2022, Saturday
13:00-13:05 Opening Ceremony
Jacqueline Chung, Hong Kong and Milton Leong, Hong Kong
13:05-14:20 Session 1: Ovarian Aging
Chairs: Jacqueline Chung, Hong Kong and Raymond Li, Hong Kong
13:05-13:20 Identification of the rejuvenation factor of embryos Kazuhiro Kawamura, Japan
13:20-13:40 Follicular fluid exosomes and ovarian aging Wen Pei Xiang, China
13:40-14:00 Mitochondrial dynamics and ovarian aging Tian Ren Wang, China
14:00 -14:20 Seeking novel drugs that stimulate the development of ovarian follicles Kui Liu, Hong Kong
14:20-14:40 Break
14:40-15:40 Session 2: Oocyte
Chairs: David Chan, Hong Kong and Jia Zhou, Hong Kong
14:40-15:00 The paradoxical behavior of oocyte maturity in advanced female age: MII loss GV gain Norbert Gleicher, USA
15:00-15:20 In vivo maturation regulation in women Claus Andersen, Denmark
15:20-15:40 Prepubertal in vivo and in vitro oocyte maturation Xiaoyan Liang, China
15:40-16:00 Break
16:00-16:40 Session 3: ART Clinical
Chairs: Carina Chan, Hong Kong and Shui Fan Lai, Hong Kong
16:00-16:20 Alteration of epigenetic and imprinting during gonadotrophin stimulation Huai Liang Feng, USA
16:20-16:40 Mid cycle surge – can it be improved? Claus Andersen, Denmark
16:40-17:15 Symposium
Sponsored by Merck
Chair: Raymond Li, Hong Kong
16:40-17:15 LH & FSH deficiency in ART Robert Fischer, Germany
17:15-17:30 Break
17:30-18:45 Session 4: Miscellaneous
Chairs: David Chan, Hong Kong and Jacqueline Chung, Hong Kong
17:30-18:05 Frozen ovary transplantation and the elucidation of ovarian longevity Sherman Silber, USA
18:05-18:25 Single sperm cryopreservation Song Guo Xue, China
18:25-18:45 Novel haemostasis method of treating endometriosis Jacqueline Chung, Hong Kong
11 December 2022, Sunday
09:00-09:35 Symposium
Sponsored by Ferring
Chair: Carina Chan, Hong Kong
09:00-09:35 Follitropin delta in a mixed protocol – from concept to clinical validation Albert Yuzpe, Canada
09:35-11:20 Session 5: Genetics
Chairs: Judy Chow, Hong Kong and Carina Chan, Hong Kong
09:35-10:05 Geroscience – the newly conceived field which can actually slow aging Gerald Schatten, USA
10:05-10:30 Why PGT-a hypothesis is wrong: explained by hereditics Ke Hui Cui, USA
10:30-10:50 Genetics of male infertility Elvis Dong, Hong Kong
10:50-11:20 PGT-P for polygenic disorder Nathan Treff, USA
11:20-11:40 Break
11:40-12:50 Session 6: PCOS
Chairs: Lai Ping Cheung, Hong Kong and Emily Lam, Hong Kong
11:40-12:05 PCO, – a new diagnostic classification (and why)? Norbert Gleicher, USA
12:05-12:30 PCOS an Asian perspective Zhong Wei Huang, Singapore
12:30-12:50 IVM versus standard IVF in PCOS Jie Qiao, China
12:50-13:00 Break
13:00-14:10 Session 7: RIF
Chairs: Alice Wong, Hong Kong and Milton Leong, Hong Kong
13:00-13:20 Managing immunology tests in RIF Joanne Kwak-Kim, USA
13:20-13:45 Molecular factors in RIF Li Wu, China
13:45-14:05 NK cell and RIF Xiao Yan Chen, Hong Kong
14:05-14:10 Closing: Milton Leong, Hong Kong